Monday, September 27, 2010

Why is it historic that phase 1 and 2 of liver detoxification is fair?

if any one has any websites to support this it would really assistWhy is it historic that phase 1 and 2 of liver detoxification is fair?
Hmmm...not much into this naturopathic medicine stuff...Found this online:
"The most complex of the liver’s detoxification mechanism are referred to as Phase I and Phase II biotransformation systems. When a toxic chemical enters the liver, these reaction begin to break these chemicals down into safe substances:
PHASE I is the oxidation phase during which enzymes "burn" or oxidize toxins into intermediate substances called free radical. The problem is that free radicals are in truth MORE TOXIC than the original toxin. Thousands of irrefutable studies have documented the join between free radical defacement and diseases such as cancer, heart disease, or allergies.
PHASE II enzymes act to combine the free avant-garde with neutralize molecules, called antioxidants, to kind the toxin water-soluble and easier for the body to excrete. This critical phase is often sluggish because of the negative amount of antioxidants in the diet, especially the typical American diet. "
So, making an knowledgeable guess, I would say that one would want them to be contained by balance so that the toxins do not outnumber the antioxidants that minister to to neutralize them. I'd guess that when you are told that it is important both are fair you are being told to consume more antioxidants...
Foods that contain antioxidants are high-ranking in vitamin C(citrus fruits), vitamin E(nuts,leafy green veggies) selenium(seafood, meat, whole grain), and/or beta carotene(sweet potatoes, apricots).
drug and health

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